A journal of my summer in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, where my family are missionaries
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Joshua is 3 months old!
My adorable, darling nephew Josh turns 3 months old today! Jess asked me to get a few pictures of him, something I don't mind doing one bit! Below are some of my weak attempts to capture the budding personality of a little man I so love.
I created this blog as a means to record the happenings of my summer with my family in Brazil. My prayers are that the LORD would use us to be a blessing in whatever we do. Enjoy and may God bless you!
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and His ways. He is my life's passion. I'm saved by His grace, and seek to live to please him.
I am a 21 year-old daughter, sister, friend and college student; Baptist. I was raised in the mission field of Brazil. I love the life the Lord has granted me and want to make it count for Him. I enjoy learning about God and His Word, about music and ministry, and have a passion to share with others what I learn. I love learning to prepare for and am excited about whatever God has in store for my future. May He be glorified through my life!
THANK-YOU for snapping these pictures, Jen! I LOVE them! Thanks for you time!!!! I love you...
Oh he has such kissable cheeks! I would imagine you and Janalee are doing a fine job of spoiling him this summer. He really is a handsome lil' man :)
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