I have been trying to make up to the lost "auntie" time and hold Joshua as much as I can. He is such a cutie-pie!
We have been having mildly cold weather, which feels so good to this yours truly who is unaccustomed to the heat.
In the afternoon I played with Allie and Bethany Lockhart for awhile. They learned to build "rock castles" with the abundance of stones in our yard. After their nap, they came over and helped me make cookies. They were such fun and really enjoyed the results. We don't get chocolate chips here, so I chopped up a large piece of a big dark chocolate bar into small chunks. I think "tasting" that was our favorite part!
The cookies were very good! Allie and Bethany were good helpers too :)
Wished I could be there to help. So glad you can be an assistance to Jeremy and Esther. That is a blessing!
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